PNS in Congo B, SOTEK GROUP SA and Sofrecom in operation
DateJune 2020
SiteBrazzaville, Congo
On June 28, 2021 at the PEFACO hotel in Brazzaville, SOTEK GROUP SA and its partners on this project organized a restitution workshop of the Congo Digital 2025 National Strategic Plan in the presence of the Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy , different experts and focal points from different public and private administrations.
For the part of the strategy for bringing digital services online
List all the online services that can be implemented immediately and / or in the short term, identify the services requiring prior and medium-term adaptations, and document these adaptations, identify the services requiring long-term implementation In the long term, Propose a coherent implementation approach describing the human, material, informational and infrastructural resources required, as well as the methods likely to guarantee the interoperability of all the expected results.
For the part of the master plan of the implementation of the strategy
Propose a plan for the implementation of a highly secure logical infrastructure taking advantage of existing physical networks and likely to support exchanges related to the implementation of Electronic Administration, Propose a plan to review and rationalize administrative procedures G to G, G to C and G to B, such as to facilitate the putting online of administrative services, while taking into account new trends in mobile technologies.